13. Acknowledgments and Administrivia

13.1. Where To Send Comments.

Please send comments to the maintainer: [email protected].

Contributions to the FAQ may be in any format. Comments and corrections are gratefully received. Again, that email address is: [email protected].

If you wish to refer to a question in the FAQ, it's better to do so by the question heading instead of number. The question numbers are generated automagically, and I don't see them in the source file.

I prefer comments in English to patch files—context diff is not my first language.

13.2. Formats in Which This FAQ Is Available.

This document is available as an ASCII text file, an HTML World Wide Web page, Postscript, PDF, and as a USENET news posting.

Section and item numbers are generated with Perl. HTML is generated from SGML source using the Jade DSSSL interpreter by James Clark. Text versions are generated using lynx and edited with sed, which are part of most Linux distributions.

The Usenet version is posted regularly to news.answers, comp.answers, and comp.os.linux.misc. It is archived at ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/comp/os/linux/misc/.

For Postscript and PDF versions, please contact the FAQ maintainer.

If you would like to receive the archived version of the FAQ by E-mail, send the following in the body of an E-mail message to [email protected]:

   send faqs/linux/faq

Text, HTML, and SGML versions are available from the Linux archives at metalab.unc.edu, and from http://www.linuxdoc.org/, but they may be out of date, owing to lack of time on the LDP maintainers' parts.

The latest text and HTML versions are available at http://www.mainmatter.com and directly from the FAQ maintainer, [email protected].

13.3. Authorship and Acknowledgments.

This FAQ is compiled and maintained by Robert Kiesling, [email protected], with assistance and comments from Linux activists all over the world.

Freddy Contreras, [email protected], designed and GPL'd the Linux Frequently Asked Questions logos that appear on www.mainmatter.com.

Special thanks are due to Matt Welsh, who moderated comp.os.linux.announce and comp.os.linux.answers, coordinated the HOWTO's and wrote substantial portions of many of them, Greg Hankins the former Linux Documentation Project HOWTO maintainer, Lars Wirzenius and Mikko Rauhala, the former and current moderators of comp.os.linux.announce, Marc-Michel Corsini, who wrote the original Linux FAQ, and Ian Jackson, the previous FAQ maintainer. Thanks also to Roman Maurer for his many updates and additions, especially with European Web sites, translations, and general miscellany.

Last but not least, thanks to Linus Torvalds and the other contributors to Linux for giving us something to talk about!

13.4. Disclaimer and Copyright.

Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety (including this authorship, copyright, and permission notice), provided that no charge is made for the document itself, without the author's consent. This includes ``fair use'' excerpts like reviews and advertising, and derivative works like translations.

Note that this restriction is not intended to prohibit charging for the service of printing or copying the document.

These conditions are in addition to the regular LDP distribution license, at http://www.linuxdoc.org/manifesto.html/

Exceptions to these rules may be granted. I would be happy to answer any questions regarding this copyright. E-mail me at [email protected]. As the license, referred to above, says, these restrictions are here to protect the contributors, not to restrict you as educators and learners.