This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for Linux, the free
operating system kernel that runs on many modern computer systems.
The kernel source code documentation says that Linux ``aims for POSIX
compliance.'' Linux uses mostly free, GNU system utilities and
application software, although commercial programs are available also.
Originally written for 386/486/586 Intel/ISA bus machines, Linux
versions exist for nearly every hardware platform in existence that is
capable of running it. (Please refer to the question, ``What Is Linux?'' below.) This FAQ
is meant to be read in conjunction with the Linux Documentation
Project's HOWTO series. (``Where Are the Linux FTP Archives?'' and, ``Where Is the Documentation?'') The
also list sources of Linux information. Please read them, and,
``If this Document Still Hasn't Answered Your Question....'' before posting to a Usenet news
group. You can also get Postscript, PDF, HTML, and SGML versions of this
document. (``Formats in Which This FAQ Is Available.'')