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VME Howto
John Huggins and Michael Wyrick,
[email protected]
v0.8a, 30 July 1998
This document came about to show the embedded system community how to run Linux on their VMEbus Pentium and other PCI local bus based VMEbus processor designs.
1.1 Knowledge Required
1.2 Why use Linux on VMEbus systems?
1.3 Purpose
1.4 Feedback
1.5 VMELinux Revision History
1.6 Copyright/Distribution
Installation of the VMELinux Kernel Driver
2.1 Download the Source
2.2 Install the source to the software
2.3 Compile the VMELinux components
2.4 Load the VMELinux Kernel Module
2.5 Difficulties
How to talk to the VMEbus with the VMEUtils and the VMEShell Packages
3.1 What is the VMEUtils program
3.2 What are the VMEShell Scripts
3.3 The "vmemap" command.
3.4 Read Byte, Word or Long
3.5 Write Byte, Word or Long
3.6 Read the VMEbus to a file
3.7 Write a file to the VMEbus
3.8 Parameters
3.9 Options
3.10 A Note about DMA mode.
How to talk to the Tundra Universe PCI-VME bridge using the devices drivers.
4.1 The device drivers used with VMELinux
4.2 VMEMaster Device Drivers
4.3 VMESlave Device Drivers
4.4 Direct Control of the Universe Registers
4.5 read()
4.6 write()
4.7 lseek()
4.8 ioctl()
4.9 open() and close()
Advantages of the VMEbus, Linux and VMELinux
5.1 Pin and socket connectors
5.2 Eurocard assembly
5.3 Linux is Low Cost
5.4 Linux is Stable
5.5 Linux is Dynamic
Current and planned Board Support
6.1 Xycom XVME655 Pentium VMEbus Board
6.2 XyCom XVME656 Pentium VMEBus Board
6.3 Dynatem DPC1-0367
6.4 Planned Board Support
8.1 The Shell utilities return a bunch of stars (*) when I access a board I know is there. What gives?
8.2 How does VMELinux handle interrupts?
8.3 I have RedHat 5.1 and can't get VMELinux programs to compile.
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