TO do - HOWTO:
- Add the scripted IPMASQADM example to the Forwarders section. Also confirm the syntax.
- Add a little section on having multiple subnets behind a MASQ server
- Confirm the IPCHAINS ruleset and make sure it is consistant with the IPFWADM ruleset
TO DO - WWW page:
- Update all PPTP urls from lowrent to
- Update the PPTP patch on the masq site
- Update the portfw FTP patch
Changes from 1.80 to 1.81 - 01/09/00
- Updated the ICQ section to reflect that the new ICQ Masq module supports file transfer and real-time chat. The 2.0.x module still has those limitations.
- Updated Steven E. Grevemeyer's email address. He is the maintainer of the IP Masq Applications page.
- Fixed a few lines that were missing the work AREN'T for the "setsockopt" errors.
- Updated a error the strong IPCHAINS ruleset where it was using the variable name "ppp_ip" instead of "extip".
- Fixed a "." vs a "?" typo in section 3.3.1 in the DHCP comment section.
- Added a missing ")" to the ICQ portfw script and changed the evaluation from -lt to -le
- Updated the Quake Module syntax to NOT use the "ports=" verbage
Changes from 1.79 to 1.80 - 12/26/99
- Fixed a space typo when setting the "ppp_ip" address.
- Fixed a typo in the simple IPCHAINS ruleset. "deny" to "DENY"
- Updated the URLs for Bjorn's "modutils" for Linux
- Added verbage about NetFilter and IPTables and gave URLs until it is added to this HOWTO or a different HOWTO.
- Updated the simple /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall examples to notify users about the old Quake module bug.
- Updated the STRONG IPFWADM /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall to clarify users about dynamic IP addresses (PPP & DHCP), newer DHCPCD syntax, and the old Quake module bug.
- Updated the STRONG IPCHAINS /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall to ADD a missing section on dynamic IP addresses (PPP & DHCP) and the old Quake module bug.
- Added a note in the "Applications that DO NOT work" section that there IS a beta module for Microsoft NetMeeting (H.323 based) v2.x on 2.0.x kernels. There is NO versions available for Netmeeting 3.x and/or 2.2.x kernels as of yet.
Changes from 1.78 to 1.79 - 10/21/99
- Updated the HOWTO name to reflect that it isn't a MINI anymore!
Changes from 1.77 to 1.78 - 8/24/99
- Fixed a typeo in "Section 6.6 - Multiple Internal Networks" where the -a policy was ommited.
- Deleted the 2.2.x kernel configure option "Drop source routed frames" since it is now enabled by default and the kernel compile option was removed.
- Updated the 2.2.x and all other IPCHAINS sections to notify users of the IPCHAINS fragmentation bug.
- Updated all the URLs point at Lee Nevo's old IP Masq Applications page to Seg's new page.
Changes from 1.76 to 1.77 - 7/26/99
- Fixed a typo in the Port fowarding section that used "ipmasqadm ipportfw -C" instead of "ipmasqadm portfw -f"
Changes from 1.75 to 1.76 - 7/19/99
- Updated the "ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Protocol not available" message in the FAQ to be more clear instead of making the user hunt for the answer in the Forwarders section.
- Fixed incorrect syntax in section 6.7 for IPMASQADM and "portfw"
Changes from 1.72 to 1.75 - 6/19/99
- Fixed the quake module port setup order for the weak IPFWADM & IPCHAINS ruleset and the strong IPFWADM ruleset as well.
- Added a user report about port forwarding ICQ 4000 directly in and using ICQ's default settings WITHOUT enabling the "Non-Sock" proxy setup.
- Updated the URLs for the IPMASQADM tool
- Added references to Taro Fukunaga, [email protected] for his MkLinux port of the HOWTO
- Updated the blurb about Sonny Parlin's FWCONFIG tool to note new IPCHAINS support
- Noted that Fred Vile's patch for portfw'ed FTP access is ONLY available for the 2.0.x kernels
- Updated the 2.2.x kernel step with a few clarifications on the Experiemental tag
- Added Glen Lamb's name to the credits for the LooseUDP patch
- Added a clarification on installing the LooseUDP patch that it should use "cat" for non-compressed patches.
- Fixed a typo in the IPAUTO FAQ section
- I had the DHCP client port numbers reversed for the IPFWADM and IPCHAINS rulesets. The order I had was if your Linux server was a DHCP SERVER.
- Added explict /sbin path to all weak and strong ruleset examples.
- Made some clarifications in the strong IPFWADM section regarding Dynamic IP addresses for PPP and DHCP users. I also noted that the strong rulesets should be re-run when PPP comes up or when a DHCP lease is renewed.
- Added reference in the 2.2.x requirements, updated the ICQ FAQ section, and added Andrew Deryabin to credits section for his ICQ MASQ module.
- Added some clarifcation in the FAQ section why the 2.1.x and 2.2.x kernels went to IPCHAINS.
- Added a little FAQ section on Microsoft File/Print/Domain services (Samba) through a MASQ server. I also added a URL to a Microsoft Knowledge base document for more details.
- Added clarification in the FAQ section that NO Debian distribution supports IP masq out of the box.
- Updated the supported MASQ distributions in the FAQ section.
- Added to the Aliased NIC section of the FAQ that you CANNOT masq out of an aliased interface.
- Wow.. never caught this before but the "ppp-ip" variable in the strong ruleset section is an invalid variable name! It has been renamed to "ppp_ip"
- In both the IPFWADM and IPCHAINS simple ruleset setup areas, I had a commented out section on enabling DHCP traffic. Problem is, it was below the final reject line! Doh! I moved both up a section.
- In the simple IPCHAINS setup, the #ed out line for DHCP users, I was using the IPFWADM "-W" command instead of IPCHAINS's "-i" parameter.
- Added a little blurb to the Forwarders section the resolution to the famous "ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Protocol not available" error. This also includes a little /proc test to let people confirm if IPPORTFW is enabled in the kernel. I also added this error to a FAQ section for simple searching.
- Added a Strong IPCHAINS ruleset to the HOWTO
- Added a FAQ section explaining the "kernel: ip_masq_new(proto=UDP): no free ports." error.
- Added an example of scripting IPMASQADM PORTFW rules
- Updated a few of the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) URLs
- Added Quake III support in the module loading sections of all the rc.firewall rulesets.
- Fixed the IPMASQADM forwards for ICQ