This section shows how to get involved in writing your own LDP documentation. Getting and setting up the tools, making contact with the LDP in general, and distributing what you know to all the Linux users out there.
If you are a new to the LDP and want to pick up an unmaintained HOWTO or write a new HOWTO or mini-HOWTO document, contact the HOWTO coordinator at [email protected]. This is to make sure the HOWTO coordinator can know who is working on what documentation. Also note that all HOWTO submissions must be in SGML format (currently using the LinuxDoc DTD). The mini-HOWTO submissions may be made in either SGML or HTML formats, but only SGML-formatted submissions will be included in printed versions of the HOWTOs.
There are a few mailing lists to subscribe to so you can take part in how the LDP works. First is [email protected], which is the main discussion group of the LDP. To subscribe, send a message with the subject reading "subscribe" to [email protected]. To unsubscribe, send an e-mail with the subject of "unsubscribe" to [email protected].
Download the sgmltools package from, or directly from your distribution. The source files from is in source code format, so you will have to compile the source code for your machine. Using a pre-built package for your distribution is easier, as you don't have to compile it and potentially run into compilation issues (that is, if you're not a coder).
With RedHat, the sgmltools is included with the distribution. If not, you can download it from or any of its mirrors as part of the main distribution.
If you're using Debian, it too has sgmltools in the standard distribution. If you don't have the package installed, you can use the apt-get command to download and install the package for you:
# apt-get install sgml-tools
For more information on the Debian package, you can look at
If compiling from source, all you need to do is:
# tar -zxvf sgmltools-x.x.x.tar.gz # cd sgmltools-x.x.x # ./configure # make # make install
Replace sgmltools-x.x.x
with the actual version of the sgmltools package
you're using. The current version as of this writing that supports LinuxDoc
is 1.0.9. The version that supports DocBook is 2.0.2. Both are available at
the above web site.
Once the tools are installed, you have a number of commands available to you.
sgmlcheck file.sgml
- Checks the syntax of a given document.
sgml2html file.sgml
- Converts an SGML file into HTML. Creates a file.html
file that contains the Table Of Contents, then creates file-x.html
files where
is the section number.
sgml2rtf file.sgml
- Converts an SGML file into Rich Text Format (RTF).
Creates two files, the first being file.rtf
that contains the TOC, and a file-0.rtf
that contains all the sections.
sgml2txt file.sgml
- Converts an SGML file into ASCII text. The TOC and
all sections are all put into file.txt
sgml2info file.sgml
- Blah SGML blah INFO, used by the info command. All
output is sent to
sgml2latex file.sgml
- Blah SGML blah TeX.
sgml2lyx file.sgml
- SGML yadda LyX graphical editor. This is great if you
have pre-generated SGML files and want to convert them for use in LyX.
Much like HTML, you can write SGML by hand, once you know all the markup codes you want to use. This section will go over as many of these codes as possible, along with practical examples of each. A nice place to start would be the SGML source for this document, which is available at the web site in the Introduction. As the SGML may be processed differently depending on the file format you go to, I'll try to list some things to know about as you're writing.
To start a new document, create a new file in your favorite ASCII editor and start with this:
<!doctype linuxdoc system>
This defines the document type (LinuxDoc in our case) that the SGML processor will use when it renders the file in an output format. Nothing is rendered from this tag.
Next you need to enclose the rest of your work in <article>
and </article>
tags. This signifies the start of the content (or article, eh?). If you're
familiar with HTML, this is similar to enclosing all your content with <html>
and </html
The first part of the content should contain general information about the rest of the content. This would be similar to the first few pages of a book, where you have a title page (title of the work, author, date of publication, table of contents, and so on).
The title of the content is enclosed in <title>
and </title>
tags. The author is specified in <author>
and </author>
tags. The
date uses <date>
and </date
The two remaining sections are the <abstract>
and </abstract>
tags, which provide an executive summary of what the content is about, and
the <toc>
tag, which specifies the location of the table of contents.
The TOC is automatically generated by the SGML processor. We'll get into sections
later on.
Now, how does it all look together? Taking a nice bit of SGML code (that is, what was used to create this document) you'll see:
<!doctype linuxdoc system> <!-- LinuxDoc file was created by LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 by <markk> Tue Dec 14 15:24:03 1999--> <article> <title>HOWTO HOWTO </title> <author>Mark F. Komarinski </author> <date>v1.1, 14 December 1999 </date> <abstract>List the tools, procedures, and hints to get HOWTO authors up to speed writing. </abstract> <toc>
This bit of content created the main page you see when you look at this document in RTF or HTML format, listing all the information on one page.
In order to build the Table of Contents, you need to have something to build with. Sections in the case of SGML is the same as chapters in traditional publishing. You have multiple sections, and each section can have a subsection, and each of those can have a subsection and so on.
Starting your document with sections is great as it lets you create an outline of the major topics you want to cover. You can then break down these major sections into gradually smaller sections, until you have a nugget of information you can write about in a few short paragraphs. In writing this document, I actually started this way.
Sections are one of the few sets of SGML tags that don't require to be
closed. That is, there is no </sect>
tag. Nor do you have to worry about
numbering. The SGML processor will handle it all when you render the SGML into
something else.
Sections are started with <sect>
tags. A new section is started with
each <sect>
tag. The first section is numbered 1.
Creating subsections (like 1.1) is done with the <sect1>
tag. It
also starts with 1.
Sub subsections (1.1.1) is done with the <sect2>
tag, and also starts
with 1.
When the SGML processor comes across the <toc>
tag, it runs through
the rest of the document and builds the Table Of Contents based on the number
of section tags within it. Sections are numbered and listed in the TOC and
then used in the rest of the document. Sub subsections (1.1.1) do not show
up in the TOC, but are put in emphasized text if possible.
Writing paragraphs of content is just like in HTML. Use a <p>
to specify a new line, and start writing. SGML will ignore whitespace such
as tabs, multiple spaces, and newlines. When SGML comes across a <p>
tag, it starts a new paragraph. Proper SGML has you put in a </p>
end the paragraph.
Every now and then you need a touch of text to stand out from the others.
Either to highlight code or to list a command name.
The first (emphasizing
text) is done with <em>
and </em>
tags. Typewriter text (the second
example) is done with <tt>
and </tt>
There are two forms of doing lists under SGML. First is an enumerated list, where each item in the list is numbered (like sections) starting with 1.
The code for the above list looks like this:
<enum> <item>This is the first entry in the enumerated list. <item>This is the second. <item>Third. </enum>
The <enum>
tag specifies that the following items are going to be
The other method of writing lists is itemized, where each item merely has a star, or circle, or dot, or some other method of itemizing each item.
The above code looks like this in raw SGML:
<itemize> <item>This is the first entry in the itemized list <item>This is the second. <item>Third. </itemize>
As you can see, the <item> tag is the same for enumerated and itemized lists.
A third form of lists is the description lists. This has a term being described, and the phrase that describes it.
The Linux Documentation Project
Standard Generalized Markup Language
The code to create the above descriptions is:
<descrip> <tag>LDP</tag>The Linux Documentation Project <tag>SGML</tag>Standard Generalized Markup Language </descrip>
This isn't quite the same as itemized or enumerated lists, but you have
the entire list surrounded by a tag (<descrip>
and </descrip
and each item in the line that is a word being defined is enclosed in <tag>
and </tag
>. The remainder of the line is taken to be the definition of
the word.
Sometimes you just need to print some text the way you write it. For this,
you can use the <verb>
and </verb>
tags to enclose a paragraph
in verbatim mode. Spaces, carriage returns, and other literal text (including
special characters) are preserved until the </verb
This is verbatim text.
Also in SGML is the ability to handle Universal Resource Locators (URL) of any kind. Note that this would only work when exported to HTML mode, but other formats may use them as well.
A URL doesn't have an end tag, but puts its information within the <url>
tag itself. Here is a URL that points to the LDP homepage: And here's the
code to create it:
<url url="" name="">
The url=\"{}\"{}
tells the browser where to go, while the
contents of the name
tells the browser what to print
out to the screen. In this case, the two are similar, but I could create a
URL tag that looks like this:
<url url="" name="LDP">
And then looks on the page like this: LDP. However, good form suggests that you duplicate the URL in the name portion. The reason for this is if you're using something like Text or RTF output, the above tag would have no meaning. you wouldn't know what URL to use.
While URLs are great for linking to content outside the LDP document you're
working on, it's not that great for linking within the content itself. For
this, you use the <label>
and <ref>
tags. The <label>
creates a point in the document where you want to refer back to later on, almost
like a bookmark. Creating the <label>
is easy. Find the point where you
want to refer back to later on, and insert the following:
<label id="Introduction">
You have now created a point in the content that you can refer to later on as "Introduction". This label actually appears in this SGML work at the front of the document. When you want to refer back to that point later on (say (here)), you insert the following SGML:
<ref id="Introduction" name="here">
and the SGML will know to put in a link called "here" (see above) that links back to the location of the Introduction section.
The other part of references is indexing. Since LDP documentation is usually published on paper as a large collection of documents, there needs to be a way of building the index at the back of the book, based on words and subjects.
Much like HTML, you will need to escape many non-alphanumeric characters to prevent the SGML processor from interpreting them as SGML code. Here's a list of the SGML codes used. More are listed in the sgmltools User's Guide located at
I'm still gushing about LyX. Okay, so I'm a bit biased towards this application because I really like it. It provides the power of writing SGML with the ease-of-use of a regular word processor. It's not a WYSIWYG program, but more WYSIWYM (What You Get Is What You Mean) application, since what you see on the screen isn't necessarily what happens after the SGML processor is done with it.
To create a LinuxDoc document with LyX, download and install the application.
Make sure you have TeX and sgmltools installed first (see
(Installing the
Tools) for more information on this). Once complete, start up LyX and select
"file->new from template..." Select "Templates" then
click on linuxdoctemplate.lyx
and you'll have a template document set up, with
most of the header information that an LDP document should have. Change the
data to suit your need (that is, fill in the Title, Author, Date, Abstract,
and so on) and then start writing. The pull down menu in the upper left hand
corner can be used to select types of content (standard, itemized and enumerated
lists, sections). The exclamation point is used to emphasize text, and you
can either click it and begin typing in emphasized mode, or highlight text
with the mouse and click on it to emphasize the highlighted text. Many other
features of SGML can be found under the Insert menu bar. You can insert URL
locations, cross references, index entries, and other kinds of data. When complete
with your documentation, you can save it in LyX format, then export to LinuxDoc
and have the file saved with a .sgml extension. That file is then ready to
be checked with sgmlcheck and rendered to the formats you want.
Emacs has an SGML writing mode called psgml. Anyone with experience writing in this mode is welcome to e-mail the author of this document.
If there are other SGML tools out there, or even commercial ones that the LinuxDoc DTD can be used with to create LDP documentation, please let me know.
At this time, the LDP does not have a shared repository for you to store your content online. Hopefully this will change. There are a few good reasons for using CVS:
So let's take a look at what you need to set up CVS on your local system to at least get started. Once network CVS access is available, many of these commands will stay the same, so don't worry about having to re-learn new tricks.
First you'll need to create what is called a CVS repository. This is pretty much the root directory that is used by CVS, with your various projects created as subdirectories of that. It doesn't matter where this exists, though it's best if it were a dirtectory that was backed up.
For our purposes, let's say that it'll be under my home directory
(/home/markk) and be called cvs.root. I can create the repository by first
creating the directory /home/markk/cvs.root
, then setting the CVSROOT
environmental variable to /home/markk/cvs.root
, then use the cvs
command. This creates the base repository. If you go into the
directory, you'll find a new directory called CVSROOT
with basic information about the CVS setup you're using.
If you plan on using CVS for something other than plain 'ol ASCII data, you will need to change one of these files to prevent CVS from treating it as an ASCII file. This includes things like image files, .DOC files, and other binary-style data. In short, if it's not source code, and it's not HTML, TXT, or SGML, you will probably need to change the configuration. Here's what you do:
Go to another directory and check out CVSROOT. Yes, the CVSROOT directory
is in CVS format too. To do this, make sure that the environmental variable
CVSROOT is still set to /home/markk/cvs.root (or your CVS repositorty
directory). Then use the command cvs co CVSROOT
to "check out" the CVSROOT
module. Enter the CVSROOT directory and with your favorite text editor,
edit the cvswrappers
file. There are no entries in this file, but the last
line looks something like this:
#*.gif -k 'b'
If this line were not commented out, it would tell CVS that all files that end in .gif are binary files, and to not treat it as ASCII. We want this. So uncomment the line, and add lines of a similar format for other binary files that you want to cover with CVS, one per line.
Once you're done with the editing, use cvs diff .
to make sure that
cvswrappers is the only file that changed, then use cvs commit
to commit the changes back into the repository. You can then delete the
CVSROOT directory from the temporary directory. NEVER DIRECTLY MODIFY,
Now that your repository is set to make new projects, let's create one. In order to do this, you'll need some sort of content already written. You'll also want this in a directory by itself. For example, if I wanted to create a project for the HOWTO-HOWTO, I'd have a directory setup like this:> ls -la total 40 drwxr-xr-x 2 markk console 1024 Feb 8 10:51 . drwxr-xr-x 100 markk users 6144 Feb 8 10:49 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 markk console 32555 Feb 8 10:51 howto.sgml>
Again, make sure that the CVSROOT environment variable is set to
, and use the cvs import
command to create a new
project:> cvs import howto R1 start N howto/howto.sgml No conflicts created by this import>
What you don't see in this is when I was brought into the editor and was
asked to add a comment for this file. By default this should be the
contents of the EDITOR environment variable, meaning it'll probably be vi.
In the cvs command, you're using the import
command, telling CVS that you
want to import the files in the current directory. The howto
tells CVS that
the name of the project is HOWTO. The R1
and start
reflect vendor and
branches. We don't need to worry about this, since you're writing
documentation. Writers of code will have to worry about it, as it has to do
with code forking and the like. CVS experts are invited to e-mail the
author to explain these concepts a bit more.
The file (in my case, just the howto.sgml) is added to the newly-created project. I can verify this by going to another directory and using the command cvs co howto, which will extract the howto.sgml file:> cvs co howto cvs checkout: Updating howto U howto/howto.sgml> ls -la total 8 drwxr-xr-x 3 markk console 1024 Feb 8 10:59 . drwxr-xr-x 101 markk users 6144 Feb 8 10:59 .. drwxr-xr-x 3 markk console 1024 Feb 8 10:59 howto>
I can then go into the howto directory, which now has a CVS directory within
it and the howto.sgml file. I can edit that howto.sgml file as I need,
then use the cvs commit howto.sgml
command to commit changes I made back
into the project. Each time I perform a commit, I have to add a comment
which lists the changes I made to the document. Each commit also gets a new
version number, allowing me to go back to any pervious version at any time.
I can add or remove files from a project if I have changes. For example, I
could add in the text-formatted version of the HOWTO-HOWTO, called
howto.txt. To do this, check out the current howto project into an empty
directory, copy the howto.txt file into the project directory, use thecvs
command to add the file to the project, then use cvs
to commit
changes back into the main repository:> mkdir baz> cd baz> cvs co howto cvs checkout: Updating howto U howto/howto.sgml> cd howto> cp ~/howto.txt .> cvs add howto.txt cvs add: scheduling file 'Howto.txt' for addition cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently> cvs diff . cvs diff: Diffing . cvs diff: howto.txt is a new entry, no comparison available> cvs commit howto.txt RCS file: /home/markk/foo/howto/howto.txt,v done Checking in howto.txt; /home/markk/foo/howto/howto.txt,v <-- howto.txt initial revision: 1.1 done>
To remove a file, use the cvs delete
command. You will need to check out
the project, delete the file from the project directory, then use cvs
and the filename, then use cvs commit to commit changes back into the main
repository.> mkdir baz> cd baz> cvs co howto cvs checkout: Updating howto U howto/howto.sgml U howto/howto.txt cd> cd howto> rm howto.txt> cvs delete howto.txt cvs remove: scheduling 'Howto.txt' for removal cvs remove: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanently> cvs commit . cvs commit: Examining . Removing howto.txt; /home/markk/foo/howto/howto.txt,v <-- howto.txt new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1 done>
The file is then removed from the repository.
Before you distribute your code to millions of potential readers there are a few things you should do.
First, be sure to spell-check your document. Most utilities that you would use to write SGML (emacs, LyX, other text editors) have plug-ins to perform a spell check. If not, there's always the ispell program, installed in just about every distribution. Also use the sgmlcheck command with sgmltools to verify you have correct SGML tags.
Second, get someone to review your documentation for comments and factual correctness. The documentation that is published by the LDP needs to be as factually correct as possible, as there are millions of Linux users that may be reading it. If you're part of a larger mailing list talking about the subject, ask others from the list to help you out.
Third, create a web site where you can distribute your documentation. This isn't required, but is helpful for people to find the original location of your document.
In order for an LDP document to be accepted by the LDP, it must be licensed to allow for free (as in beer) distribution and publishing. As an author, you may retain the copyright and add other restrictions (for example, you must approve any translations or derivative works). A sample license is available at If you choose to use the boilerplate copyright, simply copy it into your source code under a section called "Copyright and Licenses" or similar. Also include a copyright statement of your own (since you still own it). If you are a new maintainer for an already-existing HOWTO, you must include the previous copyright statements of the previous author(s) and the dates they maintained that document.
Once your LDP document has been reviewed by a few people and you took into account their comments, you can release your document to the LDP in general. Send an e-mail with the SGML source code (you may gzip it if you like) to [email protected]. If you don't hear anything in 7 calendar days, please follow up with an e-mail to make sure things are still in process.