[W3C] The World Wide Web Security FAQ


This information is provided by Lincoln Stein ([email protected]). The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) hosts this document as a service to the Web Community; however, it does not endorse its contents. For further information, please contact Lincoln Stein directly.

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4. Running a Secure Server

Q9: How do I set the file permissions of my server and document roots?

To maximize security, you should adopt a strict "need to know" policy for both the document root (where HTML documents are stored) and the server root (where log and configuration files are kept). It's most important to get permissions right in the server root because it is here that CGI scripts and the sensitive contents of the log and configuration files are kept.

You need to protect the server from the prying eyes of both local and remote users. The simplest strategy is to create a "www" user for the Web administration/webmaster and a "www" group for all the users on your system who need to author HTML documents. On Unix systems edit the /etc/passwd file to make the server root the home directory for the www user. Edit /etc/group to add all authors to the www group.

The server root should be set up so that only the www user can write to the configuration and log directories and to their contents. It's up to you whether you want these directories to also be readable by the www group. They should _not_ be world readable. The cgi-bin directory and its contents should be world executable and readable, but not writable (if you trust them, you could give local web authors write permission for this directory). Following are the permissions for a sample server root:

drwxr-xr-x   5 www      www          1024 Aug  8 00:01 cgi-bin/
drwxr-x---   2 www      www          1024 Jun 11 17:21 conf/
-rwx------   1 www      www        109674 May  8 23:58 httpd
drwxrwxr-x   2 www      www          1024 Aug  8 00:01 htdocs/
drwxrwxr-x   2 www      www          1024 Jun  3 21:15 icons/
drwxr-x---   2 www      www          1024 May  4 22:23 logs/

The document root has different requirements. All files that you want to serve on the Internet must be readable by the server while it is running under the permissions of user "nobody". You'll also usually want local Web authors to be able to add files to the document root freely. Therefore you should make the document root directory and its subdirectories owned by user and group "www", world readable, and group writable:

drwxrwxr-x   3 www      www          1024 Jul  1 03:54 contents
drwxrwxr-x  10 www      www          1024 Aug 23 19:32 examples
-rw-rw-r--   1 www      www          1488 Jun 13 23:30 index.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 lstein   www         39294 Jun 11 23:00 resource_guide.html

Many servers allow you to restrict access to parts of the document tree to Internet browsers with certain IP addresses or to remote users who can provide a correct password (see below). However, some Web administrators may be worried about unauthorized _local_ users gaining access to restricted documents present in the document root. This is a problem when the document root is world readable.

One solution to this problem is to run the server as something other than "nobody", for example as another unprivileged user ID that belongs to the "www" group. You can now make the restricted documents group- but not world-readable (don't make them group-writable unless you want the server to be able to overwrite its documents!). The documents can now be protected for prying eyes both locally and globally. Remember set the read and execute permissions for any restricted server scripts as well.

The CERN server generalizes this solution by allowing the server to execute under different user and group privileges for each part of a restricted document tree. See the CERN documentation for details on how to set this up.

If your server starts up as root but runs as another user (see Q11), then it's especially important that the logs directory not be writable by the user that the server runs as. For example, both the Netscape FastTrack and SuiteSpot servers come with the logs directory writable by the user that the server runs as (i.e. as "nobody" if you choose the default configuration values). This can make the effect of some CGI bugs much worse than they would normally be. For example if a CGI bug enables a remote user to run arbitrary commands on the server, then the remote user can also gain root access to the server by exploiting the bug to replace a log file with a symlink to /etc/passwd. When the server restarts, the symlink will result in /etc/passwd being chown'd to the server user. The remote user can now exploit the CGI bug again to add an entry to /etc/passwd. The suggested workaround is to change the ownership of the logs directory so that it's not writable by the server user, and then create empty log and pid files that are owned by the server user (the server won't start up if it can't open these files.) Although this solution is less than optimal, because it allows crackers to tamper with the log files, it is much better than the default configuration. This bug may also be present in other commercial servers. (Thanks to Laura Pearlman for this information.)

Q10: I'm running a server that provides a whole bunch of optional features. Are any of them security risks?

Yes. Many features that increase the convenience of using and running the server also increase the chances of a security breach. Here is a list of potentially dangerous features. If you don't absolutely need them turn them off.
Automatic directory listings
Knowledge is power and the more the remote hacker can figure out about your system the more chance for him to find loopholes. The automatic directory listings that the CERN, NCSA, Netscape, Apache, and other servers offer are convenient, but have the potential to give the hacker access to sensitive information. This information can include: Emacs backup files containing the source code to CGI scripts, source-code control logs, symbolic links that you once created for your convenience and forgot to remove, directories containing temporary files, etc.

Of course, turning off automatic directory listings doesn't prevent people from fetching files whose names they guess at. It also doesn't avoid the pitfall of an automatic text keyword search program that inadvertently adds the "hidden" file to its index. To be safe, you should remove unwanted files from your document root entirely.

Symbolic link following
Some servers allow you to extend the document tree with symbolic links. This is convenient, but can lead to security breaches when someone accidentally creates a link to a sensitive area of the system, for example /etc. A safer way to extend the directory tree is to include an explicit entry in the server's configuration file (this involves a PathAlias directive in NCSA-style servers, and a Pass rule in the CERN server).

The NCSA and Apache servers allows you to turn symbolic link following off completely. Another option allows you to enable symbolic link following only if the owner of the link matches the owner of the link's target (i.e. you can compromise the security of a part of the document tree that you own, but not someone else's part).

Server side includes
The "exec" form of server side includes are a major security hole. Their use should be restricted to trusted users or turned off completely. In NCSA httpd and Apache, you can turn off the exec form of includes in a directory by placing this statement in the appropriate directory control section of access.conf:
      Options IncludesNoExec
User-maintained directories
Allowing any user on the host system to add documents to your Web site is a wonderfully democratic system. However, you do have to trust your users not to open up security holes. This can include their publishing files that contain sensitive system information, as well as creating CGI scripts, server side includes, or symbolic links that open up security holes. Unless you really need this feature, it's best to turn it off. When a user needs to create a home page, it's probably best to give him his own piece of the document root to work in, and to make sure that he understands what he's doing. Whether home pages are located in user's home directories or in a piece of the document root, it's best to disallow server-side includes and CGI scripts in this area.

Q11: I hear that running the server as "root" is a bad idea. Is this true?

This has been the source of some misunderstanding and disagreement on the Net. Most servers are launched as root so that they can open up the low numbered port 80 (the standard HTTP port) and write to the log files. They then wait for an incoming connection on port 80. As soon as they receive this connection, they fork a child process to handle the request and go back to listening. The child process, meanwhile, changes its effective user ID to the user "nobody" and then proceeds to process the remote request. All actions taken in response to the request, such as executing CGI scripts or parsing server-side includes, are done as the unprivileged "nobody" user.

This is not the scenario that people warn about when they talk about "running the server as root". This warning is about servers that have been configured to run their _child processes_ as root, (e.g. by specifying "User root" in the server configuration file). This is a whopping security hole because every CGI script that gets launched with root permissions will have access to every nook and cranny in your system.

Some people will say that it's better not to start the server as root at all, warning that we don't know what bugs may lurk in the portion of the server code that controls its behavior between the time it starts up and the time it forks a child. This is quite true, although the source code to all the public domain servers is freely available and there don't _seem_ to be any bugs in these portions of the code. Running the server as an ordinary unprivileged user may be safer. Many sites launch the server as user "nobody", "daemon" or "www". However you should be aware of two potential problems with this approach:

  1. You won't be able to open port 80 (at least not on Unix systems). You'll have to tell the server to listen to another port, such as 8000 or 8080.
  2. You'll have to make the configuration files readable by the same user ID you run the server under. This opens up the possibility of an errant CGI script reading the server configuration files. Similarly, you'll have to make the log files both readable and writable by this user ID, making it possible for a subverted server or CGI script to alter the log. See the discussion of file permissions above.

Q12: I want to share the same document tree between my ftp and Web servers. Is there any problem with this idea?

Many sites like to share directories between the FTP daemon and the Web daemon. This is OK so long as there's no way that a remote user can upload files that can later be read or executed by the Web daemon.

Consider this scenario: the WWW server that has been configured to execute any file ending with the extension ".cgi". Using your ftp daemon, a remote hacker uploads a perl script to your ftp site and gives it the .cgi extension. He then uses his browser to request the newly-uploaded file from your Web server. Bingo! he's fooled your system into executing the commands of his choice.

You can overlap the ftp and Web server hierarchies, but be sure to limit ftp uploads to an "incoming" directory that can't be read by the "nobody" user.

Q13: Can I make my site completely safe by running the server in a "chroot" environment?

You can't make your server completely safe, but you can increase its security significantly in a Unix environment by running it in a chroot environment. The chroot system command places the server in a "silver bubble" in such a way that it can't see any part of the file system beyond a directory tree that you have set aside for it. The directory you designate becomes the server's new root "/" directory. Anything above this directory is inaccessible.

In order to run a server in a chroot environment, you have to create a whole miniature root file system that contains everything the server needs access to. This includes special device files and shared libraries. You also need to adjust all the path names in the server's configuration files so that they are relative to the new root directory. To start the server in this environment, place a shell script around it that invokes the chroot command in this way:

   chroot /path/to/new/root /server_root/httpd

Setting up the new root directory can be tricky and is beyond the scope of this document. See the author's book (above), for details. You should be aware that a chroot environment is most effective when the new root directory is as barren as possible. There shouldn't be any interpreters, shells, or configuration files (including /etc/passwd!) in the new root directory. Unfortunately this means that CGI scripts that rely on Perl or shells won't run in the chroot environment. You can add these interpreters back in, but you lose some of the benefits of chroot.

Also be aware that chroot only protects files; it's not a panacea. It doesn't prevent hackers from breaking into your system in other ways, such as grabbing system maps from the NIS network information service, or playing games with NFS.

Q14: My local network runs behind a firewall. Can I use it to increase my Web site's security?

You can use a firewall to enhance your site's security in a number of ways. The most straightforward use of a firewall is to create "internal site", one that is accessible only to computers within your own local area network. If this is what you want to do,then all you need to do is to place the server INSIDE the firewall:
          other hosts
       server <-----> FIREWALL <------> OUTSIDE
          other hosts

However, if you want to make the server available to the rest of the world, you'll need to place it somewhere outside the firewall. From the standpoint of security of your organization as a whole, the safest place to put it is completely outside the local area network:

          other hosts
   other hosts <----> FIREWALL <---> server <----> OUTSIDE
          other hosts

This is called a "sacrificial lamb" configuration. The server is at risk of being broken into, but at least when it's broken into it doesn't breach the security of the inner network.

It's _not_ a good idea to run the WWW server on the firewall machine. Now any bug in the server will compromise the security of the entire organization.

There are a number of variations on this basic setup, including architectures that use paired "inner" and "outer" servers to give the world access to public information while giving the internal network access to private documents. See the author's book for the gory details.

Q15: My local network runs behind a firewall. Can I break through the firewall to give the rest of the world access to the Web server?

You can, but if you do this you are opening up a security hole in the firewall. It's far better to make the server a "sacrificial lamb" as described above. Some firewall architectures, however, don't give you the option of placing the host outside the firewall. In this case, you have no choice but to open up a hole in the firewall. There are two options:
  1. If you are using a "screened host" type of firewall, you can selectively allow the firewall to pass requests for port 80 that are bound to or returning from the WWW server machine. This has the effect of poking a small hole in the dike through which the rest of the world can send and receive requests to the WWW server machine.
  2. If you are using a "dual homed gateway" type of firewall, you'll need to install a proxy on the firewall machine. A proxy is a small program that can see both sides of the firewall. Requests for information from the Web server are intercepted by the proxy, forwarded to the server machine, and the response forwarded back to the requester. A small and reliable HTTP proxy is available from TIS systems at:


The CERN server can also be configured to act as a proxy. I feel much less comfortable recommending it, however, because it is a large and complex piece of software that may contain unknown security holes.

More information about firewalls is available in the books Firewalls and Internet Security by William Cheswick and Steven Bellovin, and Building Internet Firewalls by D. Brent Chapman and Elizabeth D. Zwicky.

Q16: How can I detect if my site's been broken into?

For Unix systems, the tripwire program periodically scans your system and detects if any system files or programs have been modified. It is available at


You should also check your access and error log files periodically for suspicious activity. Look for accesses involving system commands such as "rm", "login", "/bin/sh" and "perl", or extremely long lines in URL requests (the former indicate an attempt to trick a CGI script into invoking a system command; the latter an attempt to overrun a program's input buffer). Also look for repeated unsuccessful attempts to access a password protected document. These could be symptomatic of someone trying to guess a password.

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Lincoln D. Stein ([email protected])

Last modified: Mon Sep 13 13:51:54 EDT 1999