Perl FAQ 2.6: Can people who don't have access to USENET get comp.lang.perl.misc?

Perl FAQ 2.6

Can people who don't have access to USENET get comp.lang.perl.misc?

``Perl-Users'' is the mailing list version of the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup. If you're not lucky enough to be on USENET you can post to comp.lang.perl.misc by sending to one of the following addresses. Which one will work best for you depends on which nets your site is hooked into. Ask your local network guru if you're not certain.

[email protected]
[email protected]

The Perl-Users list is bidirectionally gatewayed with the USENET newsgroup comp.lang.perl.misc. This means that VIRGINIA functions as a reflector. All traffic coming in from the non-USENET side is immediately posted to the newsgroup. Postings from the USENET side are periodically digested and mailed out to the Perl-Users mailing list. A digest is created and distributed at least once per day, more often if traffic warrants.

All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to:

[email protected]
[email protected]
Marc Rouleau <[email protected]>

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