Perl FAQ 2.21: What do the asterisks (*) throughout the FAQ stand for?

Perl FAQ 2.21

What do the asterisks (*) throughout the FAQ stand for?

To keep from cluttering up the FAQ and for easy reference all email addresses have been collected in this location. For each person listed, I offer my thanks for their input and help.

Larry Wall            [email protected]
Tom Christiansen      [email protected]
Stephen P Potter      [email protected]
Andreas König         [email protected]
Bill Eldridge         [email protected]
Buzz Moschetti        [email protected]
Casper H.S. Dik       [email protected]
David Muir Sharnoff   [email protected]
Dean Roehrich         [email protected]
Dominic Giampaolo     [email protected]
Frédéric Chauveau     [email protected]
Gene Spafford         [email protected]
Guido van Rossum      [email protected]
Henk P Penning        [email protected]
Jeff Friedl           [email protected]
Johan Vromans         [email protected]
John Dallman          [email protected]
John Lees             [email protected]
John Ousterhout       [email protected]
Jon Biggar            [email protected]
Ken Lunde             [email protected]
Malcolm Beattie       [email protected]
Matthias Neeracher    [email protected]
Michael D'Errico      [email protected]
Nick Ing-Simmons      [email protected]
Randal Schwartz       [email protected]
Roberto Salama        [email protected]
Steven L Kunz         [email protected]
Theodore C. Law       [email protected]
Thomas R. Kimpton     [email protected]
Tim Bunce             [email protected]
Timothy Murphy        [email protected]
UF Computer Staff     [email protected]
William Setzer        [email protected]