User Guide and
Reference Manual


January 2000

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Chapter 2 : Command Line Utilities

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce a small number of command line tools which may prove useful for everyday use. Of course, you may skip this chapter if you only intend to use a graphical environment, but a quick glance may change your opinion :)

There is not really any organisation in this chapter. Utilities are listed as they come, from the most commonly used ones to the most arcane ones. Each command will be illustrated by an example, but it is left as an exercise to you to find more useful uses of them.

grep: General Regular Expression Parser

Okay, the name is not very intuitive, neither is its acronym, but its use is simple: looking for a pattern given as an argument in one or more files. Its syntax is:

grep [options] <pattern> [one or more file(s)]

If several files are mentioned, their name will precede each matching line displayed in the result. Use the -h option to not display these names; use the -l option to get nothing but the matching filenames. It can be useful, especially in long argument lists, to browse the files with a shell loop and use the grep <pattern> <filename> /dev/null trick.

The pattern is a regular expression, even though most of the time it consists of a simple word. The most frequently used options are the following:

Here's an example of how to use it:

$ cat victim
Hello dad
Hi daddy
So long dad
  # Search for the string "hi", no matter the case
$ grep -i hi victim
Hi daddy
  # Search for "dad" as a whole word, and print the
  #   line number in front of each match
$ grep -nw dad victim
1:Hello dad
3:So long dad
  # We want all lines not beginning with "H" to match
$ grep -v "^H" victim
So long dad

In case you want to use grep in a pipe, you don't have to specify the filename as, by default, it takes its input from the standard input. Similarly, by default, it prints the results on the standard output, so you can pipe the output of a grep to yet another program without fear. Example :

$ cat /usr/doc/HOWTO/Parallel-Processing-HOWTO | \
  grep -n thread | less

find: find files according to certain criteria

find is a long-standing Unix utility. Its role is to recursively scan one or more directories and find files which match a certain set of criteria in these directories. Even though it is very useful, its syntax is truly arcane, and using it requires a little use. The general syntax is:

find [options] [directories] [criterion] [action]

If you do not specify any directory, find will search the current directory. If you do not specify the criterion, this is equivalent to "true", thus all files will be found. The options, criteria and actions are so numerous that we will only mention a few of each here. Let's start with options:

A criterion can be one or more of several atomic tests; some useful tests are:

There are many other tests, refer to the man page for more details. To combine tests, you can use one of:

Finally, you can specify an action for each file found. The most frequently used are:

Still here? OK, now let's practice a little, as it's still the best way to figure out this monster. Let's say you want to find all directories in /usr/share. Then you will type:

find /usr/share -type d

Suppose you have an HTTP server, all your HTML files are in /home/httpd/html, which is also your current directory. You want to find all files which contents have not been modified for a month. As you got pages from several writers, some files have the html extension and some have the htm extension. You want to link these files in directory /home/httpd/obsolete. You will then type:

find ( -name "*.htm" -o -name "*.html" ) -a -ctime -30 -exec ln {} /home/httpd/obsolete ;[27]

Okay, this one is a little complex and requires a little explanation. The criterion is this:

( -name "*.htm" -o -name "*.html" ) -a -ctime -30

which does what we want: it finds all files which names end either by .htm or .html (( -name "*.htm" -o -name "*.html" )), and (-a) which have not been modified in the last 30 days, which is roughly a month (-ctime -30). Note the parentheses: they are necessary here, because -a has a higher precedence. If there weren't any, all files ending with .htm would have been found, plus all files ending with .html and which haven't been modified for a month, which is not what we want. Also note that parentheses are escaped from the shell: if we had put ( .. ) instead of ( .. ), the shell would have interpreted them and tried to execute -name "*.htm" -o -name "*.html" in a subshell... Another solution would have been to put parentheses between double quotes or single quotes, but a backslash here is preferable as we only have to isolate one character.

And finally, there is the command to be executed for each file:

-exec ln {} /home/httpd/obsolete ;

Here too, you have to escape the ; from the shell, as otherwise the shell interprets it as a command separator. If you don't do so, find will complain that -exec is missing an argument.

A last example: you have a huge directory /shared/images, with all kind of images in it. Regularly, you use the touch command to update the times of a file named stamp in this directory, so that you have a time reference. You want to find all JPEG images in it which are newer than the stamp file, and as you got images from various sources, these files have extensions jpg, jpeg, JPG or JPEG. You also want to avoid searching in directory old. You want to be mailed the list of these files, and your username is john:

find /shared/images -cnewer     \
     /shared/images/stamp       \
     -a -iregex ".*\.jpe?g"     \
     -a -not -regex ".*/old/.*" \
       | mail john -s "New images"

And here you are! Of course, this command is not very useful if you have to type it each time, and you would like it to be executed regularly... You can do so:

crontab: reporting or editing your crontab file

crontab is a command which allows you to execute commands at regular time intervals, with the added bonus that you don't have to be logged in and that the output report is mailed to you. You can specify the intervals in minutes, hours, days, and even months. Depending on the options, crontab will act differently:

Let's start by editing a crontab. If you type crontab -e, you will be in front of your favorite text editor if you have set the 'EDITOR' or 'VISUAL' environment variable, otherwise VI will be used. A line in a crontab file is made of six fields. The first five fields are time intervals for minutes, hours, days in the month, months and days in the week. The sixth field is the command to be executed. Lines beginning with a # are considered to be comments and will be ignored by crond (the program which is responsible for executing crontab files). Here is an example of crontab:

Note: in order to print this out in a readable font, we had to break up long lines. Therefore, some chunks must be typed on a single line. When the '' character ends a line, this means this line has to be continued. This convention works in Makefile files and in the shell, as well as in other contexts.

# If you don't want to be sent mail, just comment
#   out the following line
# Report every 2 days about new images at 2 pm,
#   from the example above - after that, "retouch"
#   the "stamp" file. The "%" is treated as a
#   newline, this allows you to put several
#   commands in a same line.
0 14 */2 * *  find /shared/images              \
  -cnewer /shared/images/stamp                 \
  -a -iregex ".*\.jpe?g"                       \
  -a -not -regex                               \
    ".*/old/.*"%touch /shared/images/stamp
# Every Christmas, play a melody :)
0 0 25 12 * mpg123 $HOME/sounds/merryxmas.mp3
# Every Tuesday at 5pm, print the shopping list...
0 17 * * 2 lpr $HOME/shopping-list.txt

There are several other ways to specify intervals than the ones shown in this example. For example, you can specify a set of discrete values separated by commas (1,14,23) or a range (1-15), or even combine both of them (1-10,12-20), optionally with a step (1-12,20-27/2). Now it's up to you to find useful commands to put in it :)

at: schedule a command, but only once

You may also want to launch a command at a given day, but not regularly. For example, you want to be reminded an appointment, today at 6pm. You run X, and you'd like to be notified at 5:30pm, for example, that you must go. at is what you want here:

$ at 5:30pm
  # You're now in front of the "at" prompt
at> xmessage "Time to go now! Appointment at 6pm"
  # Type C-d to exit
at> <EOT>

You can specify the time in different manners:

at also accepts different options:

As usual, see the at(1) manpage for more options.

tar: Tape ARchiver

Although we have already seen a use for tar in chapter 21.0, we haven't explained how it works. This is what this section is here for. As for find, tar is a long standing Unix utility, and as such its sytax is a bit special. The syntax is:

tar [options] [files...]

Now, here is a list of options. Note that all of them have an equivalent long option, but you will have to refer to the manual page for this as they won't be listed here. And of course, not all options will be listed either :)

Note: the initial dash (-) of short options is not now deprecated with tar, except after a long option.

There are many, many, many other options, you may want to refer to the tar(1) for a whole list. See, for example, the d option. Now, on for a little practice. Say you want to create an archive of all images in /shared/images, compressed with bzip2, named images.tar.bz2 and located in your home directory. You will then type:

 # Note: you must be in the directory from which
 #   you want to archive files!
$ cd /shared
$ tar cyf ~/images.tar.bz2 images/

As you can see, we have used three options here: c told tar that we wanted to create an archive, y told it that we wanted it compressed with bzip2, and f  /images.tar.bz2 told it that the archive was to be created in our home directory, with name images.tar.bz2. We may want to check if the archive is valid now. We can just check this out by listing its files:

 # Get back to our home directory
$ cd
$ tar tyvf images.tar.bz2

Here, we told tar to list (t) files from archive images.tar.bz2 (f images.tar.bz2), warned that this archive was compressed with bzip2 (y), and that we wanted a long listing (v). Now, say you have erased the images directory. Fortunately, your archive is intact, and you now want to extract it back to its original place, in /shared. But as you don't want to break your find command for new images, you need to preserve all file attributes:

 # cd to the directory where you want to extract
$ cd /shared
$ tar yxpf ~/images.tar.bz2

And here you are!

Now, let's say you want to extract the directory images/cars from the archive, and nothing else. Then you can type this:

$ tar yxf ~/images.tar.bz2 images/cars

In case you would worry about this, don't: no, if you try to back up special files, tar will take them as what they are, special files, and will not dump their contents. So yes, you can safely put /dev/mem in an archive :) Oh, and it also deals correctly with links, so do not worry for this either. For symbolic links, also look at the h option in the manpage.

bzip2 and gzip: data compression programs

You can see that we already have talked of these two programs when dealing with tar. Unlike WinZip under Windows, archiving and compressing are done using two separate utilities -- tar for archiving, and the two programs which we will now introduce for compressing data, bzip2 and gzip.

At first, bzip2 has been written as a replacement of gzip. Its compression ratios are generally better, but on the other hand it is more memory-greedy. The reason why gzip is still here is that it is still more widespread than bzip2. Maybe bzip2 will eventually replace gzip, but maybe not.

Both commands have a similar syntax:

gzip [options] [file(s)]

If no filename is given, both gzip and bzip2 will wait for data from the standard input and send the result to the standard output. Therefore, you can use both programs in pipes. Both programs also have a set of common options:

Watch out! By default, both gzip and bzip2 erase the file(s) that they have compressed (or uncompressed) if you don't use the -c option. You can avoid it with bzip2 by using the -k option, but gzip has no such option!

Now some examples. Let's say you want to compress all files ending with .txt in the current directory using bzip2, you will then use:

$ bzip2 -9 *.txt

Let's say you want to share your images archive with someone, but he hasn't got bzip2, only gzip. You don't need to uncompress the archive and recompress it, you can just uncompress to the standard output, use a pipe, compress from standard input and redirect the output to the new archive:

bzip2 -dc images.tar.bz2 | gzip -9 >images.tar.gz

And here you are. You could have typed bzcat instead of bzip2 -dc. There is an equivalent for gzip but its name is zcat, not gzcat. You also have bzless (resp. zless) if you want to view compressed file directly, without having to uncompress them first. As an exercise, try and find the command you would have to type in order to view compressed files without uncompressing them, and without using bzless or zless :)

Many, many more...

There are so many commands that a comprehensive book about them would be the size of an encyclopedia. This chapter hasn't even covered a tenth of the subject, yet you can do much which what you learnt here. If you wish, you may read some manual pages: sort(1), sed(1), zip(1) (yes, that's what you think: you can extract or make ZIP archives with Linux), convert(1), and so on. The best way to get accustomed to these tools is to practice and experiment with them, and you will probably find a lot of uses to them, even quite unexpected ones. Have fun! :)

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